Panjin Red Beach, The Spectacular Red Beach

Panjin Red Beach, The Spectacular Red Beach

Panjin City,China

Panjin Red Beach, The Spectacular Red Beach

Panjin Red Beach is located in China on the Liaohe River Delta, about 20 miles southwest of Panjin City. The unusual color of the vegetation makes it one of the most unique beaches in the world and without a doubt one of the most fascinating, giving visitors a chromatic impact of incredible effect.


The red color of this beach comes from an autochthonous alga (suaeda genus) which grows well thanks to the alkaline-saline soil. This alga can be found in hundreds of variants which grow throughout the wetlands of the world, and its growth happens during spring and throughout the summer, maintaining a brilliant green color. By the time autumn comes around, the algae are completely changed, so much so that an immense red carpet covers the entire beach up to the water border.


There are over 260 species of birds and 399 wildlife species in this natural habitat, including the Manchuria crane and Saunder's rare seagull.


Panjin Red Beach has been declared a natural reserve in order to preserve this delicate ecosystem. This is why public access is forbidden for most of the beach, and only a very small portion is accessible to tourists and even this area is quite small so as to minimize the environmental impact. Visitors can walk across this wooden bridge and admire this wonderful phenomenon from above. The Red Beach is able to take your breath away.

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