Jardins de Marqueyssac,Francia
The Marqueyssac Gardens are located in the small French village of Vézac on a high hill overlooking the Dordogn River valley. They offer one of the most spectacular views of the Périgord.
The gardens extend throughout a 22-hectare park, consisting of 4 miles of path flanked by over 150,000 centenarian box trees and evergreen trees, masterfully designed according to the strictest rules of ancient topiary. The gardens are designed with sophisticated geometries of sinuous and rounded shapes all designed by hand – a common technique of garden landscaping to create an elegant and imaginative movement.
The castle was built in the 17th century by Bertrand Vernet de Marqueyssac, while the park was built a century and a half later by the agronomist Julien de Cerval. The latter, in order to create a work with a unique and fairytale like setting, dedicated the last thirty years of his life to these gardens. Today, the complex has more than 200,000 visitors a year, a National Historic Monument included among the 300 most prestigious gardens in France.
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