The MaeKlong Railway Market is an unusual market located about 50 miles southwest of Bangkok in the city of Mae Klong (Maeklong), in the province of Samut Songkhram in Thailand.
Its stalls are set up right in the middle of the Bangkok railroad rails, and every day as soon as the train arrives, the market is quickly dismantled with a truly stunning agility and speed. Once the train is passes, stands are put back together at the same speed and all goods are returned to their place, as if nothing had happened. This is truly a surreal scene that is repeated about 8 times a day for the last 50 years!
Maeklong is undoubtedly one of the oldest and most spectacular food markets in the ancient Siam, but it has become famous for this peculiarity. It attracts tourists from all over the world who are not interested in the goods but are curious to see the train passing and to help market vendors during this incredible show which uses every inch of available space.
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