Isola dei Conigli, an authentic wonder of Lampedusa

Isola dei Conigli, an authentic wonder of Lampedusa

Isola dei Conigli,Italy

Isola dei Conigli, an authentic wonder of Lampedusa

Isola dei Conigli is a small uninhabited islet located on the south-west coast of Lampedusa, a strip of land of just over 4 hectares belonging to the archipelago of the Pelagie Islands, in Sicily. It is a protected nature reserve, known for its pristine beauty and for being one of the most important sites in Europe for the nesting of the herring gull and the Caretta sea turtle. Isola dei Conigli is also a place of great importance for the conservation of marine species. The waters around the island are rich in biodiversity, with a variety of fish, corals and algae forming an extraordinary marine ecosystem.

This small island stands in the center of a bay and is joined to Lampedusa by a thin strip of land, often covered by water. At low tides, the sandy isthmus emerges connecting the island to the mainland, while at high tides the connection disappears, but it is still possible to reach the island by walking in the water, which is always shallow. The snow-white sand, the crystalline sea and the peaceful atmosphere make Isola dei Conigli an enchanting destination for visitors from all over the world. The main beach stretches for over a mile and a half, an infinite stretch of sand to enjoy a dreamy sun and sea in complete relaxation.

Visiting this corner of paradise is an unforgettable experience, but it is essential to do it with respect for the surrounding nature. It is good to know that despite conservation efforts, Isola dei Conigli is threatened by several challenges. Climate change, marine pollution and urbanization are just some of the problems that threaten this fragile natural balance. Daily access to the island, precisely to protect its fragile environment which has always been placed under the protection of environmental associations, is only allowed to a limited number of people. During the summer, entrance to the beach is regulated by a booking service to be made exclusively online at the official Legambiente Sicilia website.

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