The Plains of Castelluccio, a unique floral show in the world

The Plains of Castelluccio, a unique floral show in the world

The Plains of Castelluccio,Italy

The Plains of Castelluccio, a unique floral show in the world

Just on the border between Umbria and Marche, in front of one of the most extraordinary sights in Italy lies the enchanting Plains of Castelluccio di Norcia. Every year, between the end of May and mid-July, the plateau of this small and charming town, located on the slopes of Mount Carrier at an altitude of 1450 meters within the Sibillini Mountains National Park, is covered with a colorful mantle that leaves you breathless. An explosion of colors that comes to life with the spontaneous blossoming of a myriad of poppies, cornflowers, violets, daisies, daffodils and lentils. The flowering of each of these beautiful wild flowers, combined with that of the cultivated fields help to continuously change the colorful landscape throughout the year.

The show of flowering, known as the "fiorita", covers the esplanades of Pian Grande, Pian Piccolo and Pian Perduto with a triumph of colors that begins with shades of "wild mustard" yellow, "poppy" red, intense “cornflower” violet and “bluebell” blue. The location is a floral concert of extraordinary beauty that every year attracts millions of tourists from all over the world.

The flowering of Castelluccio is therefore a true wonder of nature, but also an authentic natural, historic and cultural event kept alive by the traditional collaboration of its inhabitants. The variability of the climatic conditions could anticipate or postpone the precise period of the blooms, so choosing the period to visit and admire them in all their splendor is key. And if you can’t make it in person, there is a webcam set in Castelluccio di Norcia making it possible to view the evolution of flowering in real time. For information you can visit the official website of the Pro Loco di Norcia.

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