Singing Ringing Tree, The Tree that Sings with the Blowing Wind
Art & Culture

Singing Ringing Tree, The Tree that Sings with the Blowing Wind


Singing Ringing Tree, The Tree that Sings with the Blowing Wind

The Singing Ringing Tree is actuality a 3-meter-high sound sculpture simulating a tree. It is composed of galvanized steel tubes of different lengths which overlap onto each other in a sort of spiral.


The asymmetrical overlap of these tubes capture the wind's energy and gives rise to a series of very particular melodic sounds.

The work is located near Burnley, in Pennine Lancashire, England. It is part of a series of four sculptures in the project "Panopticons" which is sponsored by ''East Lancashire Environmental Arts Network" to promote the development of the area. The intent of the project was to create a series of monuments for revival and improvement of Lancashire.


This sculpture, designed and completed in 2006 by architects Mike Tonkin and Anna Liu, won the national RIBA AWARD 2007 from the Royal Institute of British Architects for the best architectural English work.


The Singing Ringing Tree has become an attraction for many tourists and every day increasing numbers flock to listen to the new melodies created by the wind gusts, which in this area can reach up to 105 miles per hour.

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